In "Blood Over Different Shades Of Green" by Ikram Sehgal-Oxford, the author delves into the intricate dynamics of power, corruption, and conflict within the socio-political landscape. Set against the backdrop...
"Honor," penned by the prolific author Elif Shafak, unfolds a captivating narrative woven with intricate layers of familial ties, cultural complexities, and personal struggles. Set against the backdrop of modern-day...
"In 'Insurgent' by Veronica Roth, the gripping sequel to the dystopian thriller 'Divergent', readers are plunged back into a world torn by factions and rebellion. Tris Prior, grappling with the...
"The Kindest Lie" by Nancy Johnson delves into the intricacies of race, identity, and the enduring impact of secrets in a poignant narrative that intertwines the lives of two women...
"Wildcard: It's Time For A Rematch" by Marie Lu plunges readers back into the electrifying world of Emika Chen, a determined hacker navigating the high-stakes realm of virtual reality gaming...